Friday 27 August 2010

A bad day with a happy ending

Typically, it being a Bank Holiday Friday, the backup system broke. It always does this without fail when I am left in charge of it. This time it was a hardware failure in the tape library. The door where you insert tapes had a sensor problem and if the system tried to do anything with tapes in the door the whole thing would lock up. So spent much of the day trying to sort it out and worrying about the backups over the weekend. I think it's going to be OK though, but the engineer is coming back first thing on Tuesday to repair it so we can get the tapes out again. This also caused a debate amongst the helpdesk team who were thrilled by the robot in the tape library and decided to try and name it. So far the candidates are 'Bertie', 'Jeffrey' and 'Bender'.

After all that was in a very tired and stressed mood, but went for an Indian in the Village Masala with Andy, Maz and Vicky, which was great as usual. The food was excellent although rather filling and they have puddings where you keep the container. Andy had a Punky Penguin which was a plastic penguin filled with ice cream and I had a pistachio kulfi that came in a nice little pot which you could keep too. That was nice.

Looking forward to the weekend now. The replacement speedo for the bike has turned up and hopefully should fit OK, but it reads up to 160mph which is perhaps a little excessive. Mind you my old Vectra had a speedo that did the same.

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