Tuesday 17 August 2010


A not too bad day at work. Got quite a bit done and finally getting rid of some older jobs that have sat around for a while, which is a relief.

Took the bike out when I got home with the new key. took it up to the road near the Brenig which has just been resurfaced. It was great to ride on such a perfect surface, so great in fact that I went back and forth along it several times. After a trip down towards the lake itself I came back along that road to see people making some sort of film. At least, there was a Focus ST parked up and then some other car following an estate with a guy sat in the boot with a camera. I guess I ruined their shot as I came up behind and they pulled in to let me get past. The bike went fine although the handlebars still squeak a bit and sometimes it hesitates while accelerating and occasionally backfires on the overrun. Oh well.

Finally sorting out the photos on the MacBook. iPhoto is currently importing the library from the old iPhoto setup on the iBook, all 5,156 photos of it. It's a bit weird as it seems to be doing it quite randomly. Pictures keep flashing up and triggering memories - Rob's wedding, Ed's wedding, holidays to Berlin, New York, Madrid, America, etc, plus many random ones from barbeques, pictures of Sandy, etc. Odd but fun. Just need to sort out all the other pictures from since the iBook was retired.

I really want to visit Steve and Kara again, but when I looked into flights, they are quite expensive, over £400. That is a lot, although I haven't written off the idea completely.

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