Thursday 28 April 2011

At last the weekend

It's been a long week, annoyingly so for a week of only three days. As Andy pointed out, we probably assumed the three days would fly past but that wasn't the case.

Yesterday was one of those days where I wanted to bang my head against the wall, then I rationalised this and decided I wanted to bang someone else's head against the wall. After work though, things got better as I went to Rob and Em's to meet up with them and Jane and Wes, and we had epic home made toad in the hole, before we all piled into Rob's car to go and watch Thor in the cinema. I knew nothing about it, hadn't even heard of the graphic novels before the film was announced, so I didn't know what to expect at all. It was good though, really quite enjoyed it.

Today was more of the same in work, not very productive because nobody was in. I dropped the Alienware at Rob's so they could watch movies on it, then went to drop the car off at the garage before walking up to the office. Picked up the car to find the service wasn't too bad, but they'd had to replace the lower suspension arms on both sides. Joy. Then it was off to Rob and Em's again and we pigged out on chips from the good fish and chip shop. Not sure what is going on later on this evening but there might be pub and stuff. I'm feeling pretty tired at the moment though so who knows.

Tomorrow it is of course the anti-royal wedding day at Rob and Em's. Basically loads of people bringing stuff to fling on a barbecue and deliberately ignore the TV.

Happy days. I've been listening to Labyrinth der Sinne by Tanzwut solidly since it arrived the other day and it's bloody great. Definitely my favourite album by them. There's a new one out in September.

Update: decided to come home because it was like someone had flipped a switch, I just suddenly felt catastrophically tired and I thought I'd be better off saving my energy for tomorrow.

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