Thursday 21 April 2011

Wait, what, four days off?

The backup system upgrade was completed successfully today. It was up and running by the end of yesterday and it was left to do the usual overnight processes to see how it would get on. I woke up early this morning and fretted about it for a little while until I couldn't stand it any more and went in to office much earlier than usual to see if it was all right. Fortunately, everything was fine, only a few little niggles to sort out. Unsurprisingly, given the huge boost in spec over the old server, it powered through the daily admin tasks, and everything is so much faster.

Still, it was quite a relief when the consultant left. I didn't realise until it was all done how tense I was during the process and I just felt a great weight lift from me. I did have to modify the schedules to take into account nobody will be taking tapes out tomorrow and Monday so I guess that's something else I can worry about, but hey.

Because of all that, it was only today that it really dawned on me that there's two four day weekends coming up. Nice.

Badminton was great this evening. The Hagg had gone on holiday and as always when she isn't there, it was a really good evening. I got some black spaghetti from the deli and Rob got some crayfish tails, which combined into a rather tasty pre-badminton meal.

I think I've done something stupid, but will have to wait until Saturday to find out.

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