Monday 14 November 2011


Last week didn't really get any better. Badminton on Thursday was OK.

Saturday was a Wii night with the old work gang, which was fun as always. We didn't actually play any video games, instead we chatted and caught up with Simon who is back from Gibraltar.

Sunday was lazy and I started the sixth season of DS9, which I barely remember, so that's good. It's entertaining.

Today has been work and D&D. D&D was interesting as it one of the ones without a board and instead it was a skill test and then some stealthy stealthy. We failed the skill test almost instantly which was my fault since it depended on me being diplomatic - it didn't work. So then we had to fight our way out of a cell. It was fun and James had made the most delicious curry ever.

The weekend was also the War of Mice. I hate killing them but have reluctantly come to the conclusion that humane traps suck balls and when you release them into the wild they die anyway. So I got some traps. I've already caught four in my room alone and one downstairs, but I know there is more. Need more traps.

In a fit of madness picked up a project laptop. A Dell Precision M90 which is largely in good shape but needs a motherboard and possibly other parts. Need to strip it down and evaluate it. It has the same chassis as the old Inspiron 9400 that I was so fond of but with a more professional colour scheme.

Not much else to report.

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