Saturday 24 December 2011

Chrismas, woo.

It's been a fairly OK week with work gradually winding down and the offices becoming more empty as the week progressed.

As predicted, I found it somewhat hard to adjust not having SR3 and DS9 to keep me occupied. I would probably have kept playing SR3 but I lent it to Rob to prevent that happening. Not much else to say about it, except thinking back, it has a moment where a song plays during a mission and it's likely to be the best musical choice in any video game ever.

It was badminton on Thursday which was as much fun as usual, enhanced by home made mince pies from someone and some rather delicious Belgian chocolatey things from Steve.

Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a while, everything I did seemed to cause disaster, and I got more and more tense until I got home. The climactic event was standing in a giant shit that the idiot hound had thoughtfully left by where I'd parked my car. This provoked a tantrum where I screamed wildly and jumped up and down in a deep muddy puddle. This left me completely drenched, covered in mud and has probably ruined my work shoes, but after I'd had a shower and changed, I felt more relaxed than I had all week. Things that had led to this rage were:

1) The backlight for the odometer failing in the car, meaning it can only be seen with a torch pointed directly at it. Not a huge problem though.
2) Dropping a touch screen I was supposed to be taking to another site for testing in the car park and watching it crash to the ground, bounce three times and end up in a deep puddle.
3) Being harrassed by some stupid cow in a new BMW 4x4 who didn't seem to understand that an elderly 306 might not be able to cope with a wet road as well as her vehicle.
4) The backup system having a wobbly just as I was about to leave work, and then failing to come back up after I tried to restart it, necessitating a reboot of the server that takes ages as it has to find and reconnect all the storage.
5) The aforementioned dog shit.

Spent the afternoon today lazing about and making lasagna for tomorrow. The traditional Chrismas fare leaves me cold so I much prefer a home made lasagna.

Off to Andy and Maz's in a bit for the now traditional Christmas Eve bash, can't wait.

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