Monday 19 December 2011


This evening I completed Saints Row 3. So the two things that have kept me occupied for quite some time now have both finished, that and DS9. Not sure what I'm going to do with myself now, hah.

The correct answer is to sort out a sensible diet, sell some shit on Ebay and exercise. We'll see.

I have to admit that for a while I wasn't quite convinced about SR3 but once it got going I ended up really enjoying it, especially some of the more random stuff you wouldn't expect in a 'gangsta' game. Partly I think it was having to adjust to the new city too. But it continues in the totally ridiculous and over the top way of the old games, and if it actually tried to take itself seriously then it would be embarrassing. Happily though, this doesn't happen and it ends up just being stupid juvenile fun.

One thing that I really miss though is the ability to back and and replay any mission or cutscene in the game - that was one thing that was great in SR2, especially if you put your character into a ridiculous outfit. They have actually said why this wasn't included, it's due to the new engine and various issues with the missions but it does seem a shame.

Feel much better today but had to leave work a bit early due to feeling pretty rough by the end of the day, hopefully back to full strength tomorrow.

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