Wednesday 14 December 2011


Not much to report over the last couple of days. Randomly we have ponies, a nearby farmer needed somewhere to put his ponies so they're on our land at the moment. They're big shaggy things, not really domesticated. They took an interest in my car last night for some reason so it was covered with nose prints this morning.

Last night I went round in Saints Row 3 finding all the collectibles which was entertaining due to the vehicle I was using. Up to 84% complete now. The 360 has had the new dashboard from Microsoft. I don't like it as it moves all the important options to the sides and adverts are present. I think if you're paying for Gold you shouldn't see any adverts. Otherwise the interface looks like Windows 8 and the phone interface. Oh well, we'll see. The apps could useful though, like the YouTube one.

Took Steve to pick up his new car this evening, a very tidy looking Citroen C3 in that pale blue that they all seem to be. It's a nice looking car, but always reminds me of an armadillo for some reason.

Think I've got a cold coming on, don't feel right and nose is all drippy. Bah. I knew something was up at lunchtime because I wanted nothing more than a Pot Noodle. The work bash is tomorrow evening, typical.

Sat here watching the work backup system doing its thing, partly to make sure my remote access is working OK and partly because I was bored and couldn't think of anything better to do. Is that sad?

I don't know any more.

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