Monday 12 December 2011

Taco Bell

The trip back from Kent was OK, and we took a slight detour to the Lakeside shopping centre in Essex which is one of only two places in the UK to have a Taco Bell, the other being a military base. We all pigged out on replica Mexican food although it was decent enough. The best thing was the churros, which was very good, I have to say. After that it was back in the car and back to the harsh reality of Wales, which welcomed us with dismal clouds, gust of winds and horizonal rain.

Not much else to report really. Quiet evening not doing much really. Unpacked and watched a DS9 episode, had a much needed shave and contemplated how different it is up here from London. I always enjoy visiting London but I'm sure I couldn't cope with living there. Still, bit of an insight into how different life can be and once again left me wondering what the fuck happened and why I ended up how I am now. Oh well.

Work tomorrow. Not on the phones this week and my week has been planned out already by my supervisors, almost to the minute. God knows how that'll work out, but we'll see.

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