Friday 15 June 2012

A long day

Work went on forever today, but was relatively uneventful.

After work was Em and Vicky's birthday meal, which was in a local place called The Forum. Really good food and a good time was had by all. There were about 14 people there, the usual gang with a couple of people from work. The place was pretty good, a nice room and plenty of space for people to hang out and chat. I'd never been upstairs in there before and I can see why it gets good ratings.

Afterwards we went to a nearby pub, where we were warned/informed by the barmaid that there was a hen party present and there would be strippers. Shortly afterward loud screams and whoops announced the arrival of said strippers. However it was rather odd since there was both a female and a male, both clad rather unimaginatively in police uniforms and it escalated rather quickly to quite a surreal scene.

Otherwise not much to report. Really tired but not sure why.

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