Sunday 17 June 2012


Yesterday had a lazy morning playing Rayman until it was time to head down to town for a geek fest with a couple of guys from work. In preparation for the next Dark Knight film, we watched Batman and the Mask of the Phantasm, Batman Begins and the Dark Knight. It was a really good day but we went massively overboard on snacks again. We had dicussed this but we failed to control it and it ended up just as bad as last time. An interesting event was the cat, who came and sat on my knee, which is impressive because originally he was terrified of strangers.

This morning it was off to the reservoir at a thoroughly ridiculous hour for a bike ride again, as I'd been invited by Rob P and Steve to join them on their run. On the way there it absolutely pissed it down but fortunately it held off while we were going round. I kept up with them for a while but I lost time because my legs cried out for mercy several times so I had to get off and push for a minute or so to give them a rest. And of course the horrible hill at the far end is impassable by me on bike, even in granny gears. Also the paths were wet and the bike has no mudguards so I got sprayed with muddy water quite a lot. Still, it was fun, and I didn't finish all that far behind them.

The rest of the day has been spent feeling like my legs were made out of pasta, but I had a clearout of some crap, a bonfire, and watched Paul again as I hadn't seen it in a while. I really liked it. Also finally logged the caches from the Skeg to Ness a couple of weeks ago, bring my total up to over 300.

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