Sunday 3 March 2013

Day of fail

Anticipated bike ride didn't happen because Andy was still not well and Rob and Em couldn't make it. Suppose I could have gone by myself but by the time I got out of bed I couldn't be bothered. As the day went on I felt less and less inclined to do any exercise, so I didn't.

Attempted to make brownies again, epic fail, totally unsalvageable.

Attempted to install my own version of the backup system in work on a broken old laptop that I've repurposed as a server and the installation failed for no logical reason that I could see.

Supper was a bowl of Heinz alphabetti spaghetti with cheese on it, depression personified in food form.

Shaved, cut myself on a stupid bump that I have above my mouth, happens too often and I hate it. Hate shaving in general, why can't they invent those force-field based ones or whatever it was in Star Trek.

Stupid cunt on Ebay keeps asking me to accept his offer of £15 for an old IBM Model M keyboard I put on there. I said I was going to let it run but he still keeps sending messages. It's got 18 watchers at the moment.

So now in a pretty shit mood. Can't be arsed with anything, life is miserable and lonely, feel completely helpless as to what to do about it and that nobody gives a shit.

Urgh, hope I feel better tomorrow. Hate feeling like this.

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