Sunday 17 March 2013


Last week went as expected. No real surprises in work.

D&D on Tuesday was good. Despite constant petty bickering, the group are starting to find their feet. Except when the cleric rolls less religion than the pissed off dwarf. I also scared the crap out of Rob by accidentially doing my war cry too loud while he was reading.

Yesterday was off to Andy's for most of the day rugby. The middle game was the highlight, Wales v England, and much to our surprise Wales absolutely battered them. It was an awesome match. The day went as planned with snacks and drinks and then some really good chilli in the evening. Curious snacks invluded Guiness crisps which I thought were nice but nobody else did.

Today we met up again for breakfast in the biker cafe in Denbigh and then I met up with Andy for another walk around Denbigh which ended up at 5.4 miles, which was good.

Sold my old Squier bass neck on Ebay and one off a broken Cort Curbow. Also after I finally found a scrap box in work that would fit the PowerEdge 1950 I listed that. Somewhat alarmingly it's up to £195, which is a lot more than I expected.

Both of my main pairs of glasses fell apart this weekend, leaving me with my old old pair. Fortunately the prescritpion is pretty much the same but they feel different and don't sit the same on my face so they are taking some getting used to. I need to arrange an eye test and new glasses I think.

Car tax due, bah.

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