Work today wasn't too bad, got to visit a few sites I'd never been to before. Got quite a bit done to help out a colleague, though I was thwarted by the refurbished office which doesn't have a lift, making it difficult to get enormous printers up to the first floor. It does however have a dumbwaiter, but as it's four feet off the ground and quite small, it's not all that useful. Also it's scary and I don't like it.
Went to Rob and Em's from the office and enjoyed a very nice pasta with bacon, cheese and spices, before heading off to badminton. It was OK, but I played like shite.
As it is payday today, I ordered some Ernie Ball Power Slinky strings for the Peavey 5-string. The B string is 135 gauge, which is quite huge. Should be interesting!
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