Tuesday 23 October 2007

Great Balls of Cheese

Work was fairly dismal. I was helping the Unix guy upgrade one of the virtual AIX machines when the console lost connection in the middle of an upgrade and wouldn't come back, leaving it basically buggered. Great. I had to leave it with him as I had to go for an eye blood flow test. The pressure in my eyes has gone down and the blood flow improved by 10%, which is apparently good. My eyes stabilised enough to do a proper test and showed that my right eye is slightly worse and my left eye is rather better. Can't afford new glases just yet though, and I need to get a copy of my prescription.

Made a weird pasta thing this evening with noodles and a peculiar sauce made mostly of cheese. It turned out quite nice.

Rob lent me Crooked Little Vein by Warren Ellis. I didn't realise he wrote normal books as well as graphic novels. Only read the first chapter so far, but it's definitely his style, and looking pretty good.

Car tax this month. Boo. At least you can do it online now, which makes it far easier than trying to find your insurance and MOT and queuing up at the post office.

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