Thursday 5 June 2008

Frankensteining, Badminton and a Strange Mist

Work has been OK. I created another Frankenstein laptop by stripping out the LCD from a broken Samsung laptop and installing it in a working Dell Latitude with a smashed screen. This involved about a million screws and a certain loss of sanity. I didn't expect the connections to be compatible but it actually worked. For some reason the inverter whines a little and today two lines appeared down the screen but it still goes OK. I then inflicted Windows Vista on the poor thing for testing purposes. Actually, the more I play with Vista, and get used to where things are in it, the more I tolerate it. I still think it takes up stupid amounts of RAM and hard drive space though.

Badminton was really good this evening. I haven't played for a while and at first I felt really out of practice, and certainly unfit. But once I got going, I had some good games. Unfortunately, becoming a grandmother hadn't mellowed She Who Gets My Back Up, and she was her usual self. But I must have been doing something right because she didn't do her usual grimaces of disgust and actually said I was playing well at one point.

Weird weather this evening, strange bouts of rain and when I came home there was weird mist everywhere. I took this picture with the N93 which didn't really come across all that well.

Talking of the N93 is still working well and despite me treating it like every phone I've ever had (badly), it's still holding together, even after having been used in camcorder mode while very drunk. I was convinced that the crazy hinge would fall apart but it seems fine so far. This is why I don't want a glossy 'fashion' phone because I view it as a tool and if it can't be shoved in and out of pockets and take the occasional knock, then it's pointless. I apply the same reasoning to iPods, I think they look much better scratched up a bit. It would be interesting to see how an iPhone would stand up to my treatment of phones.

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