Friday 14 November 2008

Another Rant

Following my rant on mobile phone ringtones, I have another rant. This time the subject is PVRs. Yes, those magical devices that let you pause live TV and record every episode of a series and such-like. I can see the point and it's a great technology, but I hate them.

They destroy social evenings. Previously evenings would be spent playing Scrabble or talking, or other activities. These days, nothing like that ever happens because there is always something on TV to watch, stored on the PVR. They made a fuss when the TV was invented, but this is a far more worrying development. When the BBC iPlayer reaches full maturity and all TV is watched on the Internet, on-demand, the grim future of fat humans permanently attached to screens seen in WALL-E will become true.

This is why I hate PVRs. Of course, being in a minority, I'm regarded as somewhat of a freak because I don't watch TV.

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