Saturday 8 November 2008


Did some overtime today for work, which was reasonably OK other than various network printer woes including a belligerent and obtuse photocopier which did NOT appreciate having it's network address changed. Also while I was in the office, one of the backup system tape drives died and I then got an e-mail every 15 minutes telling me so. Nothing I could do about it but there's three other drives it can use until we can check it out on Monday. A brief discussion as to what we were going to have for lunch ended in a unanimous decision to have chips.

My empire of buy-to-let housing in Fable 2 is growing to epic proportions. I basically own two entire towns and well on the way to owning a third. The nice thing is that when you fire up the game after break, it works out how much rent you've been paid and so you get a nice chunk of cash. Todays cash was spent on a huge nice shiny axe to replace my old hammer and a rather nice blunderbuss, which is quite lethal.

I was getting a bit bored of the arguing between my various spouses, so I killed one of them off in an alleyway with a single blow from my giant axe. The body lay there for quite some time and people kept saying how horrible it was and how the murderer must be found. But of course, nobody suspected the pure and noble hero. I had another rampage which was good fun and then turned it off.

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