Wednesday 2 June 2010

Cars and thumbs

The Focus now has a nice shiny MOT due for 13 months. It needed a front exhaust section, back box and antiroll bar link to pass the MOT, plus a few bits and bobs. Amazing how quiet it is now, when things gradually get worse you can miss how bad they are getting.

They took it out for a drive and experienced the mysterious vibration under acceleration and the knocking when turning right at low speeds but have no clue as to the cause. That's the second time a mechanic has told me they have no idea and that it will have to get worse before it can be truly diagnosed. Annoying. The whole lot cost £354. Ouch. So that ruled out any idea of getting the service done before next payday.

My thumb is really hurting. At some point recently I knocked a chunk of skin off the inside where it flexes, and after I had a shower the other day the scab fell off and I think it might now be infected. It's really quite painful.

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