Friday 4 June 2010


Not yet, but I have booked flights to Berlin in August, hurrah! Can afford it, just, but needed to do it now as the prices had already gone up from when I last looked. Finances a bit shaky now, bring on payday...

Took my wrath about the car incident out on the garden with the strimmer, felt much better after that. It's still going strong after I pulled it to bits and repaired it a few months ago which is quite amazing.

Today was possibly the slowest Friday ever, every time you looked at a clock thinking 15 minutes must have passed, it was about 5. Frustrating and annoying, given the weather outside was nice too. Oh well. Bet the weekend will simply fly by - where's the justice in that?

Sold two more Psions. Still a few left to go though. Not getting much for these ones as they aren't particularly rare or interesting. I don't really feel like I've got rid of much yet though, although I really have. Paypal shut down my account for a few hours the other day because I had received more than £1700 into it and they needed to check it in case I was doing anything illegal.

The Folding@Home virtual machine has completed 29 work units and my username is now ranked 345295 of 1420669. Not too bad. At least it's doing something useful. I used to have it running SETI@Home but while it's the biggest (or it used to be) distributing computing project, F@H just seemed more sensible.

Tired now.

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