Saturday 13 August 2011

ANR0195W: Attempting to remove extraneous database entries for volume [volume name]

A better day. Spent the morning with my Dad consuming home made scones for breakfast and chips for lunch and in the meantime dismantling my cousin's old bike down to the frame. It had already donated the wheels to the Puch. While pulling it apart we found the bearings in the fork and the bottom bracket were absolutely fucked so it'll need some of those and other parts. I have a cunning plan but don't want to say much yet in case it goes horribly wrong.

I wish I could weld.

After that it was off to the pub to watch rugby. It was quite enjoyable and Wales won, which was nice.

The rest of the day was spent not doing much, completed Portal 2 for the second time and played around on the 360 a bit more.

I went to the shed to get something out of the freezer and heard a noise like something out of a horror film. My blood froze for a couple of seconds before I remembered the swallows that were nesting in there. The babies had hatched and were sticking their heads up out of the nest for food.

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