Sunday 21 August 2011

Tired for no reason

Tired but I did fuck all today. Watched a couple of movies and listened to some of the commentary in Portal 2, which is really interesting.

Work tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. I need a holiday, but can't take one without causing hassle and confusion due to covering the backup system and Unix servers and high workload in general. Anyway, holidays seem to be pretty lonely these days, it appears that being single and not fascinated by pubs and alcohol are a definite handicap.

It came as a rather depressing realisation that the reason I get such good battery life from my Galaxy S is because it sits idle for the vast majority of the time. Same goes for my annual leave in work, I have so little reason to use it these days.

Realised from pictures at the BBQ yesterday just how much of a fat fuck I am at the moment. Hate it but hate my lack of motivation more.

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