Tuesday 30 August 2011

I h8 fuking swalowz

Work was OK, did some more on the backup system. AIX might have it's issues but the Logical Volume Manager is fucking ace, being able to add and remove disks, expand and mirror filesystems all while the system is running is so handy. I know Linux has an implementation of LVM but I've never really played with it. Should do at some point although I gather it's a bit different from the AIX version. And AGAIN I got asked about the bloody AS/400s! I don't know where the idea came from that I know all about the AS/400s but I don't! It's like a nightmare.

Bad day for food, I did well in work until I got home when I consumed Pot Noodle and wagon wheels. Watched some more DS9. So far it's been OK, not as bad as I remember the 1st season being.

Finished Feersum Endjinn. It's a bloody hard read to be honest, it gets very complicated and the dyslexic sections require a kind of mental gearchange when you encounter them. It's so worth it though at the end when it all comes together. I think this is the third or fourth time I've read it and I always nearly give up half way through.

I sprayed the bike frame with the black coat after smoothing down the primer and cleaning off the shit that the fucking swallows had thoughtfully deposited on it. Bloody things, surely they're old enough now to sod off out of the shed, but no, they have to flutter round and squawk at me like they own the place. Tossers. I had to make a sort of tent roof thing to stop them perching above where the frame is suspended.

The black paint wasn't as easy to apply as the primer for some reason so it was a bit of a faff, but it looks OK. Once it's dried for a few days I'll put the colour coat on. I hope it's going to be OK. Disposing of the frame, pretending it never happened and denying all knowledge of it and then having to edit out any reference to it from the blog would be a real pain.

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