Sunday 15 January 2012

It never ends...

Today was the first day in ages that I felt decent when I woke up, although still had a bit of a cough.

First thing was more Saints Row 3 with Rob, which was really good fun. I loaded my oldest save so my character wasn't quite so ridiculously overpowered, and it made it a bit more fair. The cutscenes and missions are a little weird because it varies between which player speaks. Also later on I replayed the last couple of missions in the game to get the 'bad' ending, which was interesting since it's totally different.

The weather was amazing today so I did a bit outside, and also had a proper go on the fixed gear flip paint bike for the first time, which was pretty interesting.

Made some vegetable soup for work since now I'm feeling better it's time I started eating better. But since it's D&D tomorrow, it's probably not the best day to start eating well.

In the evening fired up Dragon Age for the first time in months after I got stuck in the dwarf city bit where there is a huge rotating four headed statue thing with evil spirits. I did it after two goes and carried on.

I was pretty sure I was getting near the end but it's gone and done an AI on me and it looks like a whole new section has opened up. Not a bad thing though as it's a bloody good game which I've really enjoyed even though I've been playing it since May.

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