Thursday 12 January 2012

Ultra bleh

I went into work on Tuesday only to be sent home by my supervisor since after lunch I wasn't capable of anything more than sneezing and coughing and gazing incomprehendingly at my keyboard. Good thing too as I came home and slept the rest of the day and all night.

Yesterday I couldn't go in since I was coughing so much and felt wretched, but I did go the doctor as I started coughing up horrible stuff. She said my lungs were clear and my throat was OK so I'd have to live with it. In the evening Skyped Andy and we sorted out Berlin flights for April, can't wait.

I was in work today and coped mostly OK until the end of the day when I started to feel rough again. Got curious pasta and stinky cheese for dinner at Rob and Em's which was great but no way I was up to badminton. By the time I got home I was coughing again and I feel quite grotty again.

I spent yesterday in bed playing the Sims 3 on the laptop to try and keep my mind off my coughing. I made a guy who was evil but flirty and charismatic. He promptly worked his way up to the Emperor of Evil, shagged his way through half the town and then invited all his lovers to the same party and revelled in the resultant chaos. Some of them were sealed up in the walls of his dungeon like house to starve, then he got married, only to set his wife on fire so he could bring her back from the dead as a ghost and have ghost babies. It made sense at the time...

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