Thursday 17 January 2013


Last weekend was good, my brother was over from Germany so we all met up. My cousin came down from Blackpool too so we had a good couple of days. I went down to my sister's and spent the evening with her, her fiance and my brother. We had a meal and then played Pass the Pigs, which was new to my brother. Good fun.

The next day we went down to my sister's again, and my Dad came over with my cousin. Spent the day hanging out and exploring the town, including the castle where my sister intends to get married. Should be great. In the evening we couldn't decide on chips or Chinese, so we had both. Fat.

On Sunday we all went to my Dad's for lunch, and then left a bit early as the weather was threatening. My brother was originally going to stay over at my Dad's and then go on Monday but we all decided that it would be best to get him a hotel room near the airport so my cousin could drop him off on the way back. My brother is also doing the Berlin half marathon again on the 7th April, so I'm hoping to go over for that weekend and watch. I've done it a couple of times before and it's always good fun with a really good atmosphere.

The rest of the week has been quiet in work. Tuesday evening was the first DnD of the year, with Steve as DM and a whole new campaign with all new characters. I wanted to be a half-elf, half-dwarf, but that didn't seem possible, so I'm just a dwarf. Last time I was a long-distance magic user, so this time I thought I'd be a tank. I'm pissed off dwarf who hits things a lot. It took less time than expected to sort out the character sheets as Steve had a spreadsheet that did it for you, so we started out quite early on. It was pretty good fun and there was an almost instant dislike and rivalry between my grumpy dwarf and Rob's character of The Great Danton. One thing that really worked was that we all came up with our characters completely independently, so it does feel like a proper random collection of people thrown together unexpectedly into an adventure.

All week they've been threatening snow on Friday, which is a pain. I even picked up extra emergency pizzas yesterday, just in case. It's been grim and cold all day today and then this evening it started snowing and sticking, so I errred on the side of caution and didn't go out for badminton unfortunately. I've been bringing my laptop home from work most days just in case, since the work I'm doing now can be done from home quite easily.

I gave up on the Precision M65 as it kept running hot and not quite right, so I've put it on Ebay for spares. Also listed a boxed Atari STFM I got from a car boot sale years ago and never did anything with. Not sure if it works, but it seems to power up OK. There's also an Atari ST-E somewhere.

If the forecasts are correct, I should wake up to a foot of snow tomorrow. Oh joy.

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