Sunday 20 January 2013

Still white

The snow hasn't gone anywhere, frustratingly, and today it snowed more. It did start to melt a bit, but not enough. The water has finally given up as well, so that's a pain. Having to flush the bog with a bucket of water from the spring outside. The gas bottle has also been troublesome meaning the hob hasn't been working.

So it's been a couple of lazy days really. I've been avoiding going out unless it was absolutely necessary because I don't think I'll get back, so other than the essentials just been messing around on the computer. Today I found out about a thing called glitch art which is loading up an image or video file and intentionally corrupting it. The most interesting way is to load a bitmap image as raw data into Audacity and run audio effects on it. Some of the effects can be quite striking. It's also quite fun to load JPEG and PNG files into a hex editor and change stuff to see what happens.

 Other than that, sat down and watched Torchwood: Children of Earth which I still think is pretty good. I think they lost it with the last series of Torchwood. The first and second series are a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, it's stupid and silly but I like it.

I've taken the bold step of listing the PS Vita on Ebay. While it's a really really good machine, I'm not using it enough so I might as well flog it now while it's still hopefully worth something. In terms of hardware you can't fault it. I don't think it's going to fail entirely but like the PSP, it'll be in the shadow of the 3DS. I quite liked the 3DS when I had one but it was too small and the 3D was wasted on me.

I can't see it melting much overnight so I'll probably have to work from home tomorrow, but by the time Tuesday comes round we'll need supplies regardless, so I'll have to go to work.

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