Wednesday 30 January 2013

Still ouchy

It was the second DnD session last night, after the snow forced the cancellation of it last week. It went really well, great fun all round. However Rob's character and my character so far do not see eye to eye, so they could end up killing each other. Also discovered I'd forgotten to equip my angry headstrong dwarf with any armour to go with his gigantic club, which was a bit of a problem when dealing with some undead zombie bastard.

Today was not in a good mood for some reason, and my face has flared up again. During the morning I went to the loo and discovered what seemed like half my face was peeling off and I have pustules developing on my nose and upper lip. Not good, especially the lip one because it's really painful.

So I spent most of the day glaring at my screen with headphones on to drown out some of the inane chatter that was going on at the tops of people's voices. One thing I did discover is a bonus 'track' on one of the Iron Maiden singles, which is basically Steve Harris, Nicko McBrain and Bruce Dickinson having a furious argument. Due to the sheer amount of fucks, fuckings and cunts involved, it's pretty funny.

Quiet evening really apart from discovering the dog had a cut on his back leg, goodness knows how, and was bleeding everywhere. I managed to distract him with food to get a bandage on it but he wasn't very happy about it. It's frustrating how you can't explain to them that you're actually helping.

Tired and still a bit achy so going to bed early to read on the Kindle.

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