Monday 29 April 2013

Chucking it all away

It's been a good weekend. I've had to look after the dog for most of it, so I took Friday as a working from home day, which was nice. Saturday was spent sorting out a load of shit to go to the tip in town. I took a load of old computers that were useless and a vast box of cables and power supplies that have accumulated over time. I had to leave the dog alone but he is OK left for short periods.

The Honda may be shit on fuel, but it does have an impressive amount of room inside with the seats down, and it's high enough off the ground and powerful enough to cope with being heavily loaded, so it might just earn it's keep.

Yesterday was the Wales Comic-Con, which was a great day. I had already arranged with a neighbour that he would mind the dog, and so it was off to Wrexham. The day started with breakfast at Frankie and Benny's and was the first time I've ever had Eggs Benedict, which was nice. There were a few of us there, me, Steve, Rob G, Rob and Em, Jane, Wes, baby Xander and Jake and Andy C from down south. We'd ordered early bird tickets, which was definitely worth it. When we got there, the main queue was completely bonkers, and we were able to bypass it and go in straight away.

The main hall was pretty good with loads of people there and the usual stalls of things. One stall had a rather impressive steampunk bass for £140, which looked really cool, but fortunately I was able to resist. There were plenty of interesting people there too, from various shows. One interesting one was Carolyn Seymour, who played a Romulan commander in TNG and was also the voice of the doctor in Mass Effect, which I hadn't realised. There were a great number of people from Game of Thrones, and the artists who did the old Transformers comics. Also the usual amount of people in great costumes, the absolute best of which was a guy dressed up as a Borg, which looked incredible. There was someone going around in an Alien costume, who Xander decided to hold hands with, to the delight of the room.

After that I came home to get the dog back and make a big batch of chilli, which came out very nicely.

Today has been another day of clearing out as I took the day as leave to continue looking after the dog. This time I loaded up the car with four old TVs and monitors and shedloads of old VHS tapes. They were rank - not been touched in years and they were covered in mouse shit and piss. Awful. The only ones I really cared about I've got on DVD anyway. Once again the Honda proved it's worth with the space. It's a good thing it's getting the exhaust sorted tomorrow though as it's getting louder by the day, to the point of embarrassment.

Two things I was going to chuck but couldn't bring myself to do it were a couple of vintage SGI and Sun Unix workstations that I picked up about ten years ago. The SGI is an Iris Indigo and is a beautifully designed machine, completely modular and with old full-height SCSI hard drives. I pulled the motherboard out and it had a graphic on it saying it was 'The Song and Dance Machine', with a list of the people who designed it, and of course it has the lovely indigo case. The Sun is a SparcStation IPX, not as pretty as the SGI, but is very cute with a small boxy case and little feet to stand on. I've also got an SGI Indy somewhere, which is quite a funky looking pizza box machine. SGI were making computers pretty way before it was cool. Throwing these into the tip seemed like sacrilege, so I'll see if I can put them on Ebay or donate them to a museum or something.

I was hoping to do circuits this evening as usual, but the TVs I was lugging around had made my arms achy and also I think I pulled a muscle in my upper back, so I decided to err on the side of caution, but I did take the dog for a walk instead. After that I ate some more chilli while watching Iron Maiden: Rock in Rio, which is amazing.

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