Monday 15 April 2013

People are twats

Was just about to type a new entry when I saw the news that some evil cunts have bombed the end of the Boston Marathon. 2 dear and 23 injured so far, and the injuries seem pretty severe. Why?

The weekend was good. Friday evening I went to the gym for the first time in a while as I hadn't put my name down for the badminton end of season tournament. It was actually quite good though, I did quite a bit of exercise.

Saturday was spent at my Dad's for most of the day and then we all headed to Steve's for a movie night. Due to low attendance we put on Space Camp, which Steve, Andy and I had fond memories of. Fortunately, so long as you accept it isn't very realistic and is firmly rooted in the 80s, it held up reasonably well.

Sunday was spent watching six episodes of Game of Thrones season 2. I had no intention originally of watching that many, but it kind of sucked me in. All I will say is that there is one character who is the very definition of a backpfeifengesicht, a German word meaning a face badly in need of a fist and has entered our daily vocabulary.

Today was work, which was OK, and then circuit training tonight. I haven't been for quite some time so it was ghastly, very punishing, but felt better for doing it.

The Astra is on Ebay. Not sure how much attention it will get, being what it is. The Accord is going OK, the ABS light is currently off, and it is still guzzling fuel. I think it'll probably manage about 300 miles to a tank. Oh well. 

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