Sunday 18 November 2007

Games, rugby and food

Spent most of yesterday in a rugby club with Rob,Em, Andy and Vicky, Em's sister. In theory we were watching Rugby but most of the time there was spent talking about various things. This was then followed by an epic Chinese meal and a nostalgia fest of old kids shows off YouTube. Highlights were SuperTed (HOW camp is Skeleton) and the Rainbow Twangers episode.

Today walked the dog which was really annoying. If you have two very excitable dogs, you keep them on a lead right? Not this guy we met while trying to get out the way of a madman in a Volvo who hurtled in a junction without looking. This black shaggy thing suddenly shot across the road and went for the hound. All he was doing was sniffing but he did it so aggressively that my dog was terrified. Then the Volvo moron reversed unexpectedly and things got even worse. The guy with the two insane dogs was very apologetic but I still think he is a fool. I've had the hound attacked before by out of control dogs with idiot owners. Annoying.

Then spent the day playing Galaxy for a rather long time. I've got back to where we were the other day and found a couple of secrets along the way. Superb game. It's inspired me to dig out my copy of New Super Mario Bros on the DS. Work tomorrow. Boo. But have got Wed and Thu off as going to see the Black Crusade in Manchester. Should be fun.

Sleepy now.

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