Friday 16 November 2007

Super Mario Assassin

So we are taking a break from the wonderful world of Super Mario Galaxy by attempting to complete the inordinately hard tutorial for tiger Woods Golf. It works but seems to be incredibly hard. Assassin's Creed? Yeah well. It looked like it was going to be al period but unfortunately it has a gimpy Matrix style futuristic storyline involving genetic memory, which drove Rob to tears of anger. When it was actuallly in the game though, it was pretty playable. Spent some time playing the Portal game out of the Orange Box, which is genius.

But Mario Galaxy is awesome. It is a total joy to play, looks fantastic, and is just awesome. Unlike Tiger Wood, which actually seems broken as it is so hard.

Incidentally, I got £55 for the six games I traded, which wasn't too bad. We went to GameStation in the end which as worth it for the two trained chimps behind the counter. We also got rather a lot of crisps. Definitely try the Honey Barbecue and Sweet Chilli Kettle Chips.

Got that slightly disorientated feeling I get when concentrating too hard on a game I really like, not felt like that for a while. This has got to be the longest thing I have ever typed in one go on the iPod Touch.

Tiger Woods is hard. Actually rather like real golf, which kind of makes it not fun. Give me Mario Golf or Wii Sports any time. Also Mario Golf has cool treehouse courses and things. Rob and Will are getting frustrated, the tension is high and the language ripe.

cue mass hilarity at discovering the face editor in Toget Woods has a field called "Nostril Detail". Worrying. Will's golfer is a fat, scarred squat ugly man with a hideous face and horribe teeth. Reminds me of Second Life where we set out to make our characters as ugly as possible to go against the norm of tall beautiful people.

I don't want to play it at all.

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