Friday 29 October 2010

Week of meh

Well, it's not been too bad a week really. Work has been about average.

Badminton yesterday wasn't too bad, although The Hagg was up to her usual tricks. If I serve it too high, she smashes it at my face every time, and her aim is good enough to make it a real issue as the first instinct is to duck. I don't really care, I find it amusing she's so predictable more than anything else. It really pisses Em off though and for once The Hagg realised we weren't happy about it. Her justification was that it was my fault for serving like that. Hah. The numbers meant that we had one game where it was the three of us and someone else, while The Hagg sat out. I didn't do it intentionally but I found myself making it rather obvious how much more enjoyable the game was, and I find it fun to do silly or pointless things as it clearly winds her up such as discussing German or Welsh swearwords between serves, or blatantly insulting her in front of her face in sign language.

Played some retro games this evening. Fiddled about with Sim City 3000 although couldn't get it into it again, and then the original Theme Park. It runs well in DosBox although just a little too fast. Good fun though. Badminton was tempting but I got home and couldn't extricate myself again to get out to it. I feel bad for not going.

Not mentioned it on here but about a month ago I had some chequer tape spare so I put it on the right wing of the Focus for no real reason except I was bored. However, I had a dream last night where I took the tape off again and the car was all rotten underneath, like it had gangrene. It was really disgusting.

Sold my Neo Geo Pocket collection for £41, not too bad. The buyer is in Portugal, having ignored my statement that I'd only post it to the UK. Oh well.

Radio rally tomorrow, should be fun. Then off to Vicky's tomorrow evening for Mexican fest, and then Ed and Kat's on Sunday for Halloween shenanigans. I've taken Monday as flexi now too, hurrah.

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