Monday 15 November 2010

But it's backwards...

It was a good weekend, the rugby on Saturday was good fun, as always. The Wales match was frustrating as it could have been so close. As per usual, snack overload, followed by really tasty lamb burgers and Maz's epic home made cheesecake. It's that good, that as Andy said, any other cheesecake is a slight disappointment.

Yesterday was spent in a bit of a fugue state not doing much. I did however pick up Iron Man 2 on DVD and watched that, which was good fun. I really like the Iron Man movies. Also watched a couple of other movies, Cloverfield and Swordfish, which is pants but in a nice to have on in the background kind of way.

Today was a good day in work, got quite a few jobs and things out of the way, and one job which I hadn't been looking forward to turned out to be nice and simple after all, which was great.

In a peculiar move, I bought a left handed Squier Precision Bass. The reason is that they are fairly uncommon, this one was cheap, and I've always thought the double neck would be better with a left handed neck on the bottom. The idea is to keep the neck and sell the rest of it on Ebay. It's a Korean made model and is a peculiar cream colour. Unusually it has flatwound strings and actually sounds fairly decent except I can't play left handed.. The other option is that I could put the neck from my Jazz on there and put the lefty neck on the Jazz instead. Either way the neck will need to be modified to accept strings the other way up but that just involves a new nut for a couple of quid.

Feel fat now, had chips for supper as is traditional after my Mum has an eye appointment. Didn't sleep too well last night, so don't really feel up to doing much this evening.

The XT now has 3gb RAM in it, seems to have helped performance a bit. The main bottleneck now is the 1.8" PATA hard drive, best thing would be an SSD but they are rare and not too cheap either.

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