Monday 29 November 2010


The roads are largely OK at the moment so getting to work was fine. Not too bad a day but had a frustrating moment where an issue affecting several of my users was revealed to be something that I had been assured repeatedly could not be the cause.

Went to Andy and Maz's after work and doing some shopping. They reckoned that if I ate fish prepared by Maz, I would like it. They were correct. I was pleasantly surprised by it, and it was really good. I had to scoff and scarper though as I had stuff that Mum needed at home. The track was considerably frozen when I got home though so I didn't get all the way up although if I'd made it 10 more feet I'd have got to the top. I've got my work laptop with me now, and a remote access token, guaranteeing it will not snow tonight so I won't have to work from home tomorrow.

Need a shower. If I can get to the office tomorrow I'm going to take a towel and stuff, so I can have a shower there.

Leslie Nielson has died of pneumonia. Surely you can't be serious.

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