Wednesday 10 November 2010


If there's any more proof that I needed that Coke is evil, here it is. Woke up, had left over Chow Mein for breakfast (I know) and headed to work feeling quite happy and normal. Round about 10:30 thought I'd treat myself to a bottle of Coke. Vending machine broken so I went to the shop next door and got two bottles of Cherry Coke. Helpdesk was busy and as I dealt with calls I kept swigging them. By lunchtime I felt a headache coming on and generally crappy and that pretty much defined the rest of the day. So there we go, Coke is shite and I hate it utterly.

Still got a headache, going to curl up in bed with paracetomol and try to relax.

Rob and Em have offer on their house, fantastic news.

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