Sunday 21 November 2010

Fun day

Felt quite rough this morning so curled up on the sofa with the dog and read some more of Harry Potter 5 in a kind of doze.

Rob and Em came up at lunchtime bringing bread, cheese, pate and soup, which was good and then we went for a walk with the dog, which was great.

After that I settled down and started a new game of Half-Life 2, which I shamefully never got very far in when I first tried to play it a while back. Got quite far in and it's pretty good so far. I did try the demo on my games laptop (Acer 5535) but while it did run OK, I didn't see the point in buying it when I already have the Orange Box on the Xbox 360. I guess the controls on the PC are better but to be honest I'm so used to playing FPS games on the 360 it doesn't matter too much.

Had a catastrophe with the Ferrari laptop - it fell down behind the bookcase it was on, which meant the lovely red lid is scratched to fuck. No actual damage but it definitely looks cosmetically challenged. Oh well, it still works fine, so it doesn't really matter.

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