Sunday 1 May 2011

Things come in threes? Fuck...

Took the car's wheel off and found the spare one I had lying around and got the tyre moved onto that. Got home and decided to take the dog for a walk in the sunshine. While walking the dog, I called my Dad but then a car came. As I was trying to move into the side of the road and control the dog, the phone slipped from my hand. It landed on the wrong corner and exploded everywhere. I had to dig around in the leaves for the battery and the Micro SD card, but when I put it all together I powered it on to a cracked screen.

Gutted. I liked that phone and due to various shit going on this month (*cough* Alienware *cough*) the last thing I need now is to drop more cash on a new one. So I've dug out the old BlackBerry I was using before I picked up the HTC and will have to live with that again for a while.

If things come in threes, what's next?

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