Tuesday 31 May 2011


Yesterday was spent initially at my Dad's. I took the unicycle over and we took it apart, changed the shit stock tyre for a nice BMX one and attacked it with wire wool to clean it up and get rid of some of the surface rust on it. After that we just chilled until I headed over to meet Rob to play D&D in Wrexham. It was really good fun. Although I didn't get a chance to use my character, I got to play Kat's and rolled a natural 20 at a critical point which killed two monsters at once and saved the day. Ace. Also their stories of the unfortunate mule that was eaten by a panther which was then killed by setting their tent on fire was absolutely hilarious, never mind the current unfortunate situation in the mines. Too long to go into here but damn it was funny.

Work was busy today but productive. Did a very early start to get some stuff done which was nice as I got some flexi built up. This evening took the dog for a walk, fell off the unicycle some more (but can get several feet reasonably often now) and watched the first part of the recent two-parter Doctor Who. Hadn't heard good things about it but it was quite fun. Then I played some more Dragon Age. I'd got to a bit on Sunday where I was a bit lost and not sure what I was supposed to be doing, then suddenly it clicked and then I was kicking arse and taking names. Great fun.

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