Tuesday 6 September 2011

Got shat on

Work was unremarkable but productive.

After work I felt like doing some exercise so went to the gym. The weather was so horrible I knew I wouldn't do any at home. Was nearly killed by a lunatic in a Renault Laguna on a narrow road on the way home and then got up the track to find some lost idiot in a van had been up and ruined it at the top. Annoying.

Today is the first day in quite some time I've not had a fizzy sugar laden drink.

Went and checked the bike frame and found the swallows haven't gone yet. Fortunately my protection for the frame has worked, but one of them managed to shit on me as I went inside, little fucker.

Fired up GTAIV for the first time in a while since I had deleted anything to do with it a while back and thought I'd see how it was from the beginning. The answer: shit.

It's frustrating - the city and setting are good, and the car driving is great, but the characters and the attempt to make it gritty and realistic are such a dismal fail when there's still the funny radio stations and adverts. And the characters are shit. I hate Nico and his hypocritical angst over the people he killed in the past yet all the people who die in the missions don't matter, I hate his fucking cousin and the way he phones every 30 seconds to go and look at big American titties, I hate Brucie the steroid fucktard, and it's just. Not. Fun.

The Lost and Damned was even worse, taking part in the activities of a bunch of evil fucktard bikers with no redeeming features, bunch of wank. The Ballad of Gay Tony was a step towards GTA of old but wasn't enough to redeem itself.

Let's just say I can't wait for the next Saints Row game. I got far more enjoyment out of Saints Row 2 than I ever did out of GTAIV. It's stupid, crude, obnoxious and childish, and it is quite, quite brilliant.

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