Monday 2 April 2012

Tapes, cars and curry

Not much to report.

The dreadful noises made by the Prelude on Saturday turned out to be an antiroll bar link. It costs £12. However, it also needs a new ball joint on the upper suspension arm. This means a new arm. Total cost £181. Since the parts are a bugger to get hold of though, it's not going to be done until after Easter. As I'm going to Berlin next week with Andy and Maz, this works out nicely and it's going in to have the work done on the 18th, which happily coincides with payday. Fortunately it's drivable, even with the dreadful noises that emanate from the suspension.

Work was OK again today. Made more progress on sorting out the tape madness. I think it's coming back into line. Feeling a lot happier about it all now.

Made curry again today, the basic one that you have to get right before making the others in the book. It came out nice although I still think I'm too skimpy with the spices. But I might try another one soon.

About to embark on a read of the Robots -> Foundation stories by Asimov. It's been years since I read them, so I dug the books out so I can read them all in order. It's weird how science fiction can become old fashioned though.

Had a really weird dream last night. I was in work, and I trashed my work laptop. Then I was walking past the office in the snow, while worrying about the laptop, and noticed that there were some large plants that were flowering laptops, so that was OK as I could just pick a new one.

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