Saturday 28 April 2012


Thursday was a good day due to a breakthrough with the backup system. I think now we know what's been going on and how to fix it, so that was good.

Friday night was meeting up with loads of people from work and Rob and Em for Avengers Assemble. We went to Cheshire Oaks and were all able to get food in Frankie and Benny's which was made interesting by all the staff wearing superhero costumes, some rather tight-fitting. The movie was absolutely aweome - despite seeing quite a few of the previous ones, I wasn't sure what to expect from this one, but it was really good. The trip home was made eventful by being followed by a police car and eventually stopped. I think they were just bored and the Prelude was probably tempting - I think they were hoping for a drunk boy racer.

Today has been a lazy fat day. I watched some more BSG and made the discovery that I only have half the fourth season, bah. Still fun though. Then I did some more on Dragon Age. Lots more battles and fights and a rather curious plan that involved shagging one of the player's companions for some complicated and possibly dubious reason. Then the ultimate boss fight which has proven hard and I've had to ragequit several times to protect my controller. All of this was assisted by snacks which is why today has been fat.

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