Wednesday 26 September 2007

Halo 3

Just spent a few hours playing Halo 3 with Will and Rob. Played through a few levels co-op with two 360s Will and Rob shared Will's large TV, while I played on a smaller TV. It was really good fun, and the theatre mode lets you replay all your actions.

The multiplayer was good too and we spent some time playing that as well. Also ended up in wild hysterics after playing the Forge mode where you can edit levels as you play them. We were trying to create as many exploding barrels as possible to then ignite them while standing on them. It was unspeakably hilarious to see three Master Chiefs fussing round the barrels, trying to pile them up neatly, before being thrown violently through the air. It really was funnier than I can describe.

So far the campaign mode looks quite good.

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