The CPU in this old beast is only 350mhz and it only has 384mb RAM, but all it does is rip my CDs into iTunes, play them back and sync it to my antique 20gb 3G iPod and my Shuffle. It also shares the 160gb hard drive over the network. But for some reason it's not the most stable machine, and is susceptible to crashes. I've swapped out the hard drive, memory, video card and the CPU and also tried various versions of the OS, and it still does it. Possibly it's caused by the problems with the crappy Revision 1 motherboard IDE controller.
I suspected it would have problems booting from the install DVD using the Sony drive that was in it, as this was why I hadn't upgraded it in the first place. I tried another drive, which turned out to be faulty, so I put the Sony back in, and tried that. And it worked. Why now, when it wouldn't all those times I tried it last year? Stupid thing.
As the machine runs without a monitor or anything, I was intrigued to find that Apple integrated VNC into Tiger. This appears to work well with the client on my Windows 2000 machine, but the wretched thing is a touch unstable and keeps dying. The machine keeps running though, so I can log on via SSH and restart the VNC server.
So it was a bit of a geeky day today. Apart from that, I didn't achieve much. I was hoping to continue BioShock, but that'll be tomorrow now. Perhaps I've been playing it too much though. After I had a marathon session last week, I had a weird dream where I was in work, but the offices were underwater and water was leaking in and it was all dark. It was quite odd.
South Park won an Emmy for the World of Warcraft episode. If you haven't seen it, watch it NOW. It's on YouTube (admittedly in chunks), so there's no excuses.
Not listening to music right now, the G3 is still syncing the iPod and I don't want to worry it in case it crashes.
Rob's put the honeymoon photos online. No, not what you're thinking. Take a look, they're pretty good.
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