Saturday 5 April 2008

Null thriftiness exception

Oh well, I guess four or five months of being reasonably careful and good with money wasn't too bad. This past month's been a bit bad really with the car, the fretless and London. Oh well. I'm going to treat it as a blip as much as possible and try and get back on track after next pay day. Also by then the Single Status thing will have kicked off in work - we find out about how it will affect our pay on Monday. Also need to do my expenses for the London trip, which I hate doing. I think you have to have a certain type of mind, possibly inhuman, to come up with expenses policies.

I really like the fretless bass. It sounds really good and has a really different feel to a fretted. I can't really explain it.

Watched the Simpsons movie today. It was better than I thought but it was still too much like the generally crappier later seasons than when it was at it's best.

Pictures - first one is of the crowds of people watching the RAF flypast, taken from the roof of the IBM building. If you click on it and look closely you can see them on the bridges and roofs across the river. The second is of the Vale of Clwyd from a road not too far from home. Quite a contrast. Going from here to London and back is always a bit of a culture shock.

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