Sunday 13 April 2008

Why I like the AX

So far today I've watched an awful lot of the 2005 Doctor Who series. It's quite decent and so far I've really enjoyed it. Only a couple of episodes left though.

I was bored around lunchtime so I put the dog in the car and went for a drive. Had a look at the nearby wind farm, which is always nice. The turbines are surprisingly large when you're close to them. After that got lost and ended up in Cerrigydrudion before heading homewards and taking a look at the Alwen reservoir on the way. I went there before I went to London but it was raining then so didn't get to look around. This time I took the dog for a short walk along the dam and round the first corner and back. One day I'll go all the way round.

Not entirely sure how much diesel I used due to the ridiculous fuel gauge. It could have been anything from none at all to half a tank, but I know that I wouldn't have been able to make a random trip like that in the Discovery for fear of wasting fuel. So yay.

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