Sunday 14 September 2008

Weekend shenanigans

Saturday was mostly spent washing the car and t-cutting the bonnet to get rid of the penis Will drew on it a couple of weeks ago. He must have acidic spit or something because I'd tried various things but it took stripping the top layer of paint of to get rid of it completely. Then went round to Andy's with Rob and Em where we watched Futurama, random TV, ate some good pizza and created GIMP photofits. The one below is me with Andy's hair, Rob's chin and Em's eyes. Not as impressive as Em with a goatee though.

Today was spent wielding the Electric Hedgetrimmer of Death and the Saw of Blood as I attacked the overgrown plants outside the house. Two weird ones and a pair of small trees came crashing down and it's made a great difference. There's still a lot to do though. Really tired and achy now though after that as the trees were quite big and shifting them was a pain.

Death Magnetic isn't perfect but it's the first decent thing that Metallica's done in years. I've listened to it a couple of times and enjoyed it a lot. There's a couple of tracks I'm not too keen on but the rest is really good. I wish they didn't bury the bass in the mix the way they've done since Cliff Burton died though. 

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