Wednesday 24 February 2010

Red Bull chaos

Felt really tired in work in the morning so when I went out for lunch, picked up a can of Red Bull. I did have my doubts as to whether this was a good idea or not but it did get me going for the afternoon, but the comedown wasn't good.

Really tired this evening now, but about to have a nice shower as the water has finally unfrozen.

Wish the plaster would dry in the wall, want to paint it and get the room done. The double neck seems to be drying nicely, shouldn't be too long before I can smooth the primer off and put the black base coat on.

Hair is getting too long but my clippers died. Need new ones, bah. I hate my hair now, it's so shit. It's disappearing but in a really stupid way.

Caved in and put the money from Ebay into a Toughbook CF-18, the convertible tablet one. It's a cheap one that's seen plenty of action judging by the wear on it but it works fine. It's frustrating that Panasonic make the hardware top notch but their support for drivers and things is absolutely atrocious. I tried XP on it, but had issues. Windows 7 was even worse, and so now it's got Ubuntu 9.10 on it as it installed and everything works straightaway. The only thing which is proving a bit annoying is screen rotation - doable with a bit of shell scripting though. It could do with some more RAM and possibly a bigger faster hard drive, but otherwise is nice.

Tried several creams on my face, and all they seem to do is make the flaky bits that come off soft, so that's not really very helpful. I think I'm going to have to see the doctor about it, as it's getting really annoying and disgusting.

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