Sunday 28 February 2010


Friday was spent with Andy, Rob and the usual gang watching the rugby in the local pub. It was a good evening, made slightly more interesting by there being a whole load of people from the last company I worked for including someone who left before I was made redundant. Wales didn't win but otherwise it was a good evening.

Yesterday was off to Crewe for a Wii night with the people I used to work with. It was a good evening, although calling it a Wii night was a bit wrong as the hosts now have a PS3 as well and it was that which saw all the action. First there was a mixture of Rock Band and some retro gaming (including nearly completing Streets of Rage on the Megadrive collection), then yet more Rock Band, and then after a Chinese feast, everyone settled down to watch the new Star Trek movie on Bluray before finally retiring to bed. This morning it was up for an excellent fried breakfast, before heading back home.

Spent the rest of the day not doing much due to tiredness. Played around on the laptop and watched half of Terminator Salvation before getting bored. Also found the black base coat on the double neck body had dried so put the colour coat on. Looks identical to the other body so far, so it should look OK.

Listed some more retro computer stuff on Ebay and for the first time had rather a weird feeling about doing it. Collecting retro computers and stuff has been something I've done since my mid-teens and to now start clearing it all out is making me feel rather strange. Been in a weird mood the last couple of days though, so who knows.

I got some new clippers last week and so was able to shave my head again yesterday morning, what a great feeling it was. I'm not used to having any hair growth at all so it was nice to get rid of it.

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