Saturday 1 January 2011

New year, same shit?

Spent quite a lot of time yesterday and today playing Resident Evil 5 with Rob over Xbox Live. We've got quite far into it, and it's been really fun. It does a good job of breaking up the zombie killing action with puzzles and other things, and it has a decent plot. Can't believe Rob was able to get two copies of it for £6 each.

Last night was round at Rob and Ems. Originally quite a few people were due to go but due to some being ill and others being unable to make it, there weren't that many. In a way this worked as it became a more cosy event and everyone had a good time. I didn't stay long after midnight as I was feeling rough again. As I drove out of Rhyl I got flashed by some drunken guy who was dancing around a pedestrian crossing in a bra and panties.

Played a bit more Fable III. I'm not sure if I like it or not yet. They've messed with it too much. Apparently they tried to simplify it to get rid of all the menus from the last game, but it's gone too far in the other direction, making a lot of stuff less flexible. The story is OK though, although it's veering rather too much to the 'take something to somewhere for someone so they like you' type of quests. But we'll see.

Watched the first Resident Evil movie too, which was mindlessly entertaining. There's a bit where they use a train to travel to the Hive, and I thought the station looked familiar somehow. Turns out it was filmed in the unfinished station for the U55 in Berlin, which I've been in.

Tired now after the late finish last night.

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